Snow Hugs Mother and Daughter

“Snow Hugs” ~~Mother and Daughter prints are here.

“Snow Hugs” ~~Mother and Son prints.

We are enjoying another summer day here in Idaho although it’s the middle of September!  A lovely 78 degrees!

Next week the weather is turning COLD they say!  Crazy!  I’m not ready for that.

Have an awesome day!



Winter Forest and Fox

“Winter Forest and Fox” 18″ X 24″ original oil painting.  The original has sold.

We woke up to gusting winds and sleet pounding the windows.  The birds are very quiet hidding out in the trees!  What a great day to paint!

“Winter Forest and Fox” prints, tote bags, blankets etc. available here.



Deep Snow Two Sisters


“Deep Snow ~~Two Sisters” 14″ X 18″ original oil painting.

Prints available here.

We are still in lots of snow!  It took me two trys to get the car up the hill yesterday…and I couldn’t make it all the way to the top.  20 degrees out so the road is slick ice.  It’s amazing that the birds have stuck around through our biggest snowy winter.  It beat a snow record from 1951.  We have quail, finches, and yes even robins sitting on frosty branches!  Another fine day to paint!



Deep Snow Two Little Children


“Deep Snow” 14″ X 18″ original oil painting on gallery wrapped canvas.  Available here.

Prints are here.

We had our first wet snowflakes fall yesterday!  “Deep Snow” is our one-day workshop Monday, December 5.  Happy winter time!



Snow Play ~ Dad and Daughter

Snow Play Dad & Daughter LR W

“Snow Play~Dad and Daughter”  12″ X 16″ original oil painting here.

Happiest of memories!   I remember camping in the mountains with sleeping bags laid out on a tarp on the SNOW…we nearly froze to death.  Dad finally realized how bad it was and we packed up in the night and went home.  Once our family and young friend Patti climbed a snow covered mountain peak near Mt. Rainier.  Mom had prepared all of us for this daring adventure.  She had sewn slick patches on  our pants bottoms.   Dad had us all roped together for safety.  We had our own little boots with crampons and we carried small ice axes.  After reaching the top dad lined us up for the thrilling long steep slide to the bottom.  We were so excited!  What we didn’t realize was dad’s weight ended up pulling us down the mountain with all of us kids in tow… me on my belly with tons of snow stuffed up my shirt on BARE SKIN…getting dragged down the mountain hollering my head off!   I sure miss him.

